The Anagram
Publication Date:
Pena Gaia Klasik

The Anagram is Laksmi’s second collection of poetry. Some of the poems in the collection, including “35”, “The Breakup”, “The Embrace” and “Daystar Murders” have been published in various poetry journals.
Praise for
The Anagram
" ... hard-edged and heartfelt, her translations of desire ... may be measured in pure delight." - Christopher Merrill, director of the International Writing Program, University of Iowa, and author of Brilliant Water: Poems, Things of the Hidden God, Only the Nails Remain
“… The courage to make a moment become forever gives these poems their charge and their powerful poignancy. When this voice becomes personal, as it does in several political poems, the candour remains. The voice loses none of its conviction or resonance, but speaks again wih a passionate authority and imaginative power.
Laksmi's imagery too is startling often and satisfying because it's usually surprising and right; it's not easy to be startling and right." - James Norcliffe, author of The Boy Who Could Fly, Felix and the Red Rats, Leaving the Red Zone, The Pirates and the Nightmaker