The Jakarta Good Food Guide 2008-2009
Tahun penerbitan:
Pena Klasik
A new take on food writing, the Jakarta Good Food Guide (JGFG)—which is listed in the Indonesian collection of world class publications of the National Library of Australia (2001) and the Editorial Merit winner of the HOW Magazine USA’s 10th Graphic Design Award (2002-2003)—is Indonesia’s first good food guide aimed at mapping Jakarta’s culinary scene that is independent from the hospitality or restaurant industry in Jakarta.
It accepts advertising but NOT from restaurants. Restaurateurs cannot buy an editorial listing or a favorable rating in this guide.
JGFG 2008-2009 is the third edition of a series that have sold 23,000 copies since its inception in 2001. It features 440 restaurants, casual eateries and street vendors (kaki limas) in inner Jakarta. The photographs are by the award-winning Paul Kadarisman and the design is by Cecil Mariani and JB Design.
Pujian untuk
The Jakarta Good Food Guide 2008-2009
"Laksmi's diligence in putting together this book deserves much praise ... the design of the book is also commendable."
- Gatra
"What impresses most in the JGFG (pardon the Orba-esque acronym) is its all-round quality: the clean, elegant design by Le Bo Ye; the thoughtful separation of categories; the concise, catchy writing; and most of all the informative, critical, knowledgeable reviews ... the prose is consistently playful, insightful, polished and never clichéd."
- Daniel Ziv, Djakarta!, City Life Magazine
"This is a delicious read and a must-have for long-time residents of the city... Jakarta foodies... have seen nothing like it before."
- The Jakarta Post
"Laksmi, the Governor of Good Eating in Jakarta."
- Bondan Winarno, Food Critic & TV Personality, Tempo magazine